Often times, that means dollar bills, but the bar space is so thick with content that a Highlights-style ‘you find it’ photo would be impossible to decipher.
The ceilings are ornate with all manner of hanging material, from bras to underwear to dollar bills to signs to you-name-it.Įvery possible firm (and not so firm) surface is adorned with something. That first view of the space is…impressive. Adjacent grass lot parking provides the best start to a visit, funneling visitors into a corner entrance that, at night, hardly looks like a door, more a mooring spot for a rundown tugboat, let alone the portal to dive bar paradise. It’s hard to know where to start with the space. It is no understatement to say that Mahuffer’s is the best Tampa dive bar and perhaps the best American dive bar. I’m not Monet, but I love Mahuffer’s so much that my first urge was to drink there at every hour of the day across every possible season to experience all it has to offer. Monet once painted the same church façade at different light over and over again to show how the same space can change by season and by light. Mahuffer’s is the best dive bar I’ve ever set foot in and it made me reconsider every rating I’ve ever given. I’m going to be clear right from the jump.